상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Korean Seasoned Eggplant &Sweet potato steam


by KoreaHouse 2021. 6. 28. 03:35



Our folk send us a Lot of vegetables from the country.

So We made lot's of Banchan(Side dish) The recipe we made is common way to enjoy vegetable in S.Korea.

Hope you will enjoy it:-) During Summer Korean’s eat a lot of fresh vegetables.

Eggplant’s are one of them. There are 2 way’s to cook seasoned eggplant.Stir-Frying it, or Steaming it.

Today’s recipe is a common way to eat eggplant in a simple way.

I Used the Stir-Frying way. hope you will enjoy.



Ingredients | Serve for 1 Per

Eggplant 2

Chopped Green Onions 2 Tablespoons

Minced Garlic 1 Tablespoons

Soy Sauce 2 Tablespoons

Vegetable Oil 3 Tablespoons


1.Cut the eggplants in half and cut them into half-moon shapes about 1cm.

2.Put Vegetable oil into the frying pan and pre-heated it.

3.Add Chopped Green onion and cooked it lightly in low heat.

4.Add minced garlic and stir-it for 1 minute

5.Combine Sliced Eggplant.

6.Combine soy sauce and stir-it for more 1~2 minute.

7.Serve it with rice.


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